Researchers Beer Academia Raetica | Kulturallianz

Researchers Beer Academia Raetica

Mit Special Guest Tiziano Serra vom AO Research Institute Davos

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Artikel - Researchers Beer Academia Raetica

Di. 07.06.2022 | 18:30

Kulturplatz Davos, Foyer

In Davos gibt es alleine in den vier Institutionen AO, PMOD, SIAF und SLF 300 Forschende – und ein Vielfaches von forschungsinteressierten Einheimischen und Gästen. Um miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, lancieren die Academia Raetica und der Kulturplatz Davos jeweils am ersten Dienstag des Monats den Treffpunkt «Researchers Beer»: Talk und Trash zu Forschung und Freizeit auf Englisch mit Special Guest Tiziano Serra.
Over the mountain, across the sea waves: creativity-driven science to control tissues organization
Tiziano Serra is the Head of Sound Guided Tissue Regeneration Focus Area at AO Research Institute Davos, ARI. Currently, his team is focusing on the development of contactless biofabrication strategies, to control tissue organization, for modeling and regeneration. He received a MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Salento (IT), a PhD at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (ES) and was postdoctoral fellow at University College London (UK). He was the recipient of the ISBF Young Investigator Award from the International Society of Biofabrication and the Julia Polak European Doctoral Award from European Society of Biomaterials. Tiziano is the inventor of Sound Induced Morphogenesis (SIM) technology and Chief Scientific Officer of mimiX Biotherapeutics.


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Kulturplatz Davos

Promenade 58C
7270 Davos


Promenade 58C
7270 Davos Platz

46.796459, 9.822438