Dilili in Paris | Drupal

Dilili in Paris

Wunderschöner, farbenfroher Animationsfilm

  • Kino
  • Animation

Article - Dilili in Paris

Wed 21.07.2021 | 20:00

Kulturschuppen Klosters

Dilili, with the help of her boyfriend, delivery boy Orel, is investigating a series of mysterious child abductions plaguing Belle Epoque Paris. Her appearance may well be of help to the young girl, as she comes from the Kanak people, about whom an exhibition is currently being held at the Paris Zoo. Accordingly, she often stands out in the course of her investigation and meets a number of unusual characters, each of whom gives her clues that will help Dilili in her search. But Orel is also a great help. As a delivery man, he knows his way around the city like no other and knows many people who could help in the investigation.

Regie: Michel Ocelot (Kiriku)
Animation, F 2020, Deutsch gesprochen, ab 10 Jahren, 93 Min

Film Extern


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Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters


Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus

46.87001, 9.88067