L'Art du Silence | Drupal

L'Art du Silence

über den Pantomimen Marcel Marceau

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Article - L'Art du Silence

Wed 22.06.2022 | 20:00

Kulturschuppen Klosters

Marcel Marceau inspired generations as a mime. Influenced by the Holocaust, he joined the French resistance and smuggled Jewish children into Switzerland. He taught them to express themselves wordlessly in dangerous situations with gestures and facial expressions. This is how he found his unique art form, which he perfected on the world's theatre stages after the war.
The director sensitively shows how Marcel Marceau's family, his companions and today's artists continue to develop his legacy. Inspired by his deaf father, the Swiss director draws a poetic portrait of an exceptional artist whose language was silence.

Regie: Maurizius Staerkle Drux
CH 2022, F/d, ab 12J, 88 Min

Film Extern


Ohne Ermässigung:
CHF 16.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Gästekarte (Klosters, Davos):
CHF 15.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Mitglied (KgK/KPD/La Vouta):
CHF 14.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Kind (bis 18 J.):
CHF 14.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert



Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters


Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus

46.87001, 9.88067