Not Me - A Journey with Not Vital | Drupal

Not Me - A Journey with Not Vital

Mit dem Engadiner Künstler Not Vital

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Article - Not Me - A Journey with Not Vital

Wed 07.07.2021 | 20:00

Kulturschuppen Klosters

"NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital" takes us on a maelstrom through the eventful life and rich oeuvre of the contemporary Swiss artist Not Vital. The film essay sheds light on the work of the internationally renowned artist from Graubünden, who for a long time remained the well-known unknown in his home country.

Director Pascal Hofmann traces the driving force of the restless cosmopolitan and establishes a dialogue between the motifs in Vital's work, his childhood dreams and the influences of his most important stations such as Beijing, Patagonia, Niger, Sent in Graubünden or New York.
The film opens up a visually powerful insight into Vital's perception of reality and its translation into his art. Until the end, the film remains a slightly enraptured search for traces of the longings of an artist who came from the mountains, shaped by the author.

Regie: Pascal Hofmann
Mit: Not Vital, Fadri Mittner, Annatina Miescher, Akhmed Haidara, Christoph Brünggel
CH 2020 D, ab 16J, 78 Min

Film Extern


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Kind (bis 18 J.):
CHF 13.- Sitzplatz nummeriert



Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters


Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus

46.87001, 9.88067