Preparations to Be Together for a Unknown Period of Time | Drupal

Preparations to Be Together for a Unknown Period of Time

Vertrackte Liebesgeschichte aus Ungarn

  • Kino
  • Liebesfilm

Article - Preparations to Be Together for a Unknown Period of Time

Wed 20.10.2021 | 20:00

Kulturschuppen Klosters

Márta is Hungarian, but lives and works as a successful neurosurgeon in the USA. At a congress she meets the man she sees as the love of her life. She breaks camp and returns to Budapest, where he does not show up for the arranged meeting. Lili Horvát invites us on a gripping journey into the depths of being in love.

Regie: Lili Horvát
Mit: Natasa Stork, Viktor Bodó
Ungarn 2020, OV/df, ab 16J, 95 Min

Film Extern


Ohne Ermässigung:
CHF 15.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Gästekarte (Klosters, Davos):
CHF 14.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Mitglied (KgK/KPD/La Vouta):
CHF 13.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert

Kind (bis 18 J.):
CHF 13.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert



Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters


Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus

46.87001, 9.88067